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Steele Creek Residents Association Adopts New Bylaws

(November 14, 2018) The Steele Creek Residents Association (SCRA) adopted a new set of Bylaws at a special meeting called for that purpose on November 13.

The SCRA Bylaws committee had been tasked to update the original 1996 Bylaws to reflect the drastic changes in the Steele Creek community due to significant growth over the past 20+ years, while maintaining the original purpose of the association. The Board reviewed and approved the proposed Bylaws changes for presentation to members.

The new Bylaws will be fully implemented when new Board members are elected to fill vacancies at the 2019 Annual Meeting scheduled for February 28, 2019.

View the adopted By-laws below or download a Word file HERE. Also see Summary of Material Changes.



Section 1.  This organization shall be known as the STEELE CREEK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION.


Section 1.  The STEELE CREEK Community shall consist of that area of southwestern Mecklenburg County, North Carolina that generally lies south of Charlotte Douglas International Airport and west of Sugar Creek and I-77.


Section 1.  The objectives of the Association shall be community enrichment and progress through the improvement and preservation of the quality of life for all its residents.

Section 2.  It shall be the policy of the STEELE CREEK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION to avoid all discussion on sectarian, religious, and racial questions.

Section 3.  The STEELE CREEK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION shall be non-shareholding, non-profit, and non-partisan.


Section 1.  Resident membership in the Association shall be confined to all having residence, properties, and/or business establishments in the Steele Creek Community who have paid their dues for the calendar year.  Only one membership is required for each household or company.

Section 2.  Members who find it necessary to move out of the community shall be retained on the membership list as a non-resident member as long as he/she continues to pay dues.

Section 3.  Non-resident members shall not have the privilege of holding office in the Association but shall have the privilege to vote.


Section 1.  Anyone who shall cease to be a member of the STEELE CREEK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION shall thereupon forfeit all interest in all property belonging to the Association.


Section 1.  Dues for membership in the STEELE CREEK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION shall be $10.00 per member (whether individual, household, or business) and may be revised from time-to-time upon majority approval of the Executive Board. 

(a)    Each paid membership is entitled to one ballot for voting purposes as specified in Article IX.   

(b)   Dues for one year are payable prior to or at the time of the annual meeting.

Section 2.  Any member who becomes delinquent in annual Association dues shall have his/her rights as a voting member suspended.

Section 3.  New members accepted during the year shall pay annual dues in full without the benefit of pro-ration.


Section 1.    The affairs and property of the Association shall be managed by its Executive Board of Directors plus the immediate past President as described in Section 2(d) if the immediate past President is not otherwise a Director.  Each member of the Executive Board shall, upon election, immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. 

Section 2.  The procedure for the election of Officers and Directors shall be as herein outlined.  The number of Directors shall be fixed from time-to-time by the Executive Board but shall consist of not less than seven (7) and not more than nine (9) including the following officers: the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. 

(a)     Election of Directors shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article IX. 

(b)   Directors shall be elected for a term of up to three years as submitted by the Nominations Committee, and terms shall be staggered so that, at the time of each annual meeting, the terms of approximately one-third (1/3) of all members of the Executive Board shall expire.  Directors may serve any number of consecutive terms. 

(c)    Officers shall be elected by the Executive Board at such times and following such processes as it deems appropriate or when a position becomes vacant.  Each Officer must also be a Director.  Officers may serve terms of such length as the Board may designate, but not to exceed two years.  Officers may serve consecutive terms. 

(d)   The retiring President automatically becomes a member of the Executive Board for a term of one year. 

Section 3.  Nominees for the office of President of the STEELE CREEK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION, in order to qualify for election to the office, shall have been a resident member in the Association for not less than one year.

Section 4.  No member shall hold more than one Association office at a time.

Section 5.  A candidate for the Executive Board of Directors shall be a resident member in good standing in the Association.

Section 6.  In the event of a vacancy in any office, the Executive board may fill the position for the remainder of the unexpired term by appointment.

Section 7.  Any officer unable to perform the duties of the office for any reason whatsoever for a period of sixty (60) days shall submit a resignation in writing to the Executive Board.  In the event the Executive Board determines in its sole judgment that any officer has failed to perform the duties of the respective office for at least sixty (60) days, the Executive Board shall initiate the removal of such officer, allowing five (5) days for delivery of notice to that officer, and shall then declare such office vacant and such office shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of Section 2(c) of this Article.


Section 1.  The Executive Board shall be composed of the current elected officers and directors and the immediate past President of this Association if the immediate past President is not otherwise a Director.  The past President shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board and shall vote only in case of a tie vote.

Section 2.  The Executive Board shall carry out policies and objectives of the Association between its business meetings in accordance with the provisions of these By-laws.

Section 3.  Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise designated by vote of the Executive Board.  Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board.

Section 4.  A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting and a vote of the majority of those present and voting, a quorum being present, shall constitute effective action.

Section 5.  In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board, before a full term has expired, the Board may appoint from the resident membership of the Association a Director to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term only.

Section 6.  The officers and other members of the Executive Board shall receive no compensation for their services as said officers.  However, they may be compensated for services rendered beyond the scope of their office and/or for actual expenses incurred for services on behalf of the Association.  Such expenditures shall require the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 7.  Any Executive Board member unable to perform the duties of the position for any reason whatsoever for a period of sixty (60) days shall submit a resignation in writing to the President.  In the event the Executive Board determines in its sole judgment that any of its members has failed to perform the duties of the position for at least sixty (60) days, the Executive Board may initiate the removal of such member, allowing five (5) days for delivery of notice to that member, and may then declare such position vacant and such office may be filled in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of this Article.


Section 1.  Nominating Process: 

(a)    A Nomination Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting, consisting of a Chairman and two members.  At least 30 days prior to the annual meeting, the Nominating Committee shall submit to the Executive Board, in writing, a slate of a least one candidate for each Director position that is expiring or vacant.   All candidates must have consented to the nomination and must be resident members in good standing.   

(b)   Nominations for open Director positions may also be submitted by Association members in good standing, with one additional member seconding the nomination, to the Chairman of the Nomination Committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.  The Nominating Committee will review submitted nominees according to the same qualifications as the candidates already approved for the slate provided such nominee(s) consent to the nomination.

Section 2.  Voting Process: 

(a)    Voting for new Directors shall take place at the annual meeting.   

(b) Members must be present at the annual meeting to vote in the election, which shall be by ballot, except that if there is but one candidate for each Director, the ballot may be dispensed with and the Directors elected via voice vote.

(c) Each Association member (whether individual, household, or company) in good standing shall receive one ballot and thereby be eligible to cast one vote for each open Director position.  Absentee ballot for voting by proxy shall not be allowed. 

(d) A simple tally of the highest voted candidates shall determine the confirmed Directors for the coming term.  In case of a tie, a simple voice vote will break the tie. 


Section 1.  The President shall: 

(a)     Preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board. 

(b)    Appoint the members of all standing committees and any special committees approved by the Executive Board and name the Chairman of said committees. 

(c)     Have the authority to disburse Association funds in the absence of the Treasurer. 

(d)    Be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee. 

(e)    Be the principal executive officer of the Association and shall supervise the affairs of the Association subject to the control of the Executive Board. 

(f)      Perform other duties incident to the office of President. 

Section 2.  The Vice President shall: 

(a)     Assist the President in all ways. 

(b)    Assume the duties of the presidency in the absence of the President. 

(c)     Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board. 

Section 3.  The Secretary shall: 

(a)     Keep an accurate record of all Association and Executive Board meetings. 

(b)    Conduct the correspondence of the Association in accordance with the direction of the President and/or the Executive Board. 

(c)     Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board. 

Section 4.  The Treasurer shall: 

(a)     Have custody of all Association funds, making disbursements only as authorized by the Association through the Executive Board either by specific action or by adoption of a budget. 

(b)    Be responsible for an up-to-date record of the Association membership showing the name and address of each member based on who have paid dues for the year. 

(c)     Pay all approved bills promptly by check. 

(d)    Keep the books on a current basis and make a financial report at the meetings of the Executive Board. 

(e)    Prepare an annual financial report as of December 31 for the membership of the Association. 

(f)      The Treasurer may be required to furnish bond in such amount as shall be determined by the Executive Board. 

(g)    Maintain a Post Office Box at the Steele Creek Post Office, which shall be the official address for the Association. 

(h)   Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board.

Section 5.  Officers may delegate duties to other Directors or Members with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board.

Section 6. All records pertaining to any office are the property of the Association and must be transferred as directed by the Executive Board within fifteen (15) days by the person vacating the office FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.  


Section 1.  General meetings of the Association membership at large shall be called by the Executive Board as needed, but shall be no less than annually.

Section 2.  The Annual Meeting of the Association shall ordinarily be held in February or March.

Section 3.   The Association shall notify the members and the community of the time and location of the annual meeting through email (if an email has been provided), social media, and other means as appropriate.

Section 4.   The fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1st through December 31st of each year.

Section 5.  Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting.

Section 6. Those members present at any Association general or annual meeting shall constitute a quorum. 


Section 1.  Committee members and the Chairman of these committees shall be appointed by the President.

Section 2.  The Chairman of each committee must be a member of the Association.

Section 3.  All Committees shall be directly responsible to the Executive Board and with the exception of the Nominating Committee, shall submit all plans, prior to execution, to the Executive Board for approval.

Section 4.  Upon approval of the Executive Board, the President may declare a Committee Chairmanship vacant because of nonperformance of duties and appoint a successor.

Section 5.  All Committees shall, within fifteen (15) days after the conclusion of their appointment, transfer their files to their successors or to the Elected Officers.

Section 6.  The Association shall establish and maintain a Land Use Committee, which shall be a standing committee of the Association. 

(a)     The Land Use Committee shall be comprised of the Executive Board of the STEELE CREEK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION plus any additional persons appointed by the President.   

(b)   The Committee may: 

a.      Devise plans to study the improvement of the growth and development of the community, stimulate interest in community affairs, and plan opportunities to broaden the contact service of the Association in the community. 

b.      Participate on behalf of the Association in meetings, committees, and other activities organized and led by the Charlotte Planning, Design & Development Department. 

(c)      The Committee shall: 

a.      Study all proposed rezoning petitions submitted to the Charlotte Planning, Design & Development Department pertaining to any properties located within the boundaries of the Steele Creek Community.   

b.      Study any proposed rezoning petitions that petitioners bring to the attention of the Committee pertaining to any properties located within the boundaries of the Steele Creek Community. 

c.       Provide feedback to petitioners, agents of petitioners, the Charlotte Planning, Design & Development Department, and elected officials as is deemed appropriate. 

d.      Discuss and take action regarding any issue affecting the preservation or improvement of quality of life for the Steele Creek community and its residents as it feels appropriate, unless a separate committee has been established to address such issues. 

Section 7.  A Nominating Committee shall be established and appointed by the President at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting as described in Article VIII, Section 1(a) and shall expire each year after elections are completed at the annual meeting.

Section 8. The Executive Board may establish other Committees as it deems appropriate to perform such tasks and to serve for such periods as the Board may designate by resolution.  Each committee shall operate in accordance with the terms of such resolution. 


Section 1.  An audit or review shall be made of the Association financial records by a qualified person or persons appointed by the Executive Board.  Such audit or review shall be completed within thirty (30) days of the close of the fiscal year, a written report covering the audit or review submitted to the Executive Board and the records transferred to the Treasurer.

Section 2.  In the event of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer, an audit or review shall be made of the Association financial records by a qualified person or persons appointed by the Executive Board.  Such audit or review shall be completed within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the records, a written report covering the audit or review submitted to the Executive Board and the records transferred as directed by the Executive Board. 


Section 1.  In the event of dissolution, abandonment, or termination of the Charter of this Association:  no income, contribution, or other revenue or funds shall accrue to the benefit of any individual or of any group, and any and all assets then possessed by the Association, after current indebtedness has been paid, shall be distributed by the Executive Board for such charitable use or uses as the Board may direct. 


Section 1.  These by-laws may be amended or replaced by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any Association general meeting, a quorum being present, provided text of the proposed amendments has been submitted to the membership by email by the Executive Board in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date or by reading at the previous general Association meeting. 


Section 1.  These By-laws, and/or amendments thereto, shall become effective upon adoption unless otherwise specified.  These By-laws shall replace in their entirety any other Association By-laws previously adopted. 


Section 1.  The Association shall use any of the following four (4) logos on its website, official paperwork, and market communications:


Adopted November 13, 2018

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